PhD Iseult Anna Maria BEETS
Supervision of Doctoral researchers
Department of Biomedical Kinesiology, KU Leuven, Belgium
- 2018 - 2022 Jury member of PhD project
“On the rhythms of thought. EEG alpha-theta (cross-frequency) dynamics
during arithmetic performance, mind wandering and meditative states”.
Dr. Julio Rodriguez Larios. Successfully defended on May 21, 2021.
Research Group Prof. Dr. Kaat Alaerts.
- 2012 - 2017 Supervision of PhD student
“Challenge to promote change. The neural correlates of the contextual
interference effect”. Dr. Lisa Pauwels (successfully defended in 2017).
Funded by Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO,
- 2010 - 2015 Mentoring of PhD Students
Dr. Sharissa Corporaal, Prof. Dr. Jolien Gooijers, Dr. Laura Rueda-Delgado,
Dr. Leen Serbruyns (all successfully defended)
Supervision of Master students
Department of Biomedical Kinesiology, KU Leuven, Belgium
“Implicit versus explicit learning in bimanual coordination”. Eefje Box &
Aurélie Crevecoeur.
“Learning and Transfer of new bimanual coordination patterns”. Laura
Wuyts & Lore Simons.
Internship diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data analysis. Nishant Jain.
“Age-related changes in brain and behavior during bimanual motor
learning – evidence from an fMRI training study”. Winifried Backhaus.
“The effect of visual feedback and age-related differences in cortical
activity during planning and execution of a complex
bimanual motor task”. Zeyana Maskri.
Supervision of Bachelor students
“Hoe beleven kinderen tussen 6 en 12 jaar het process van
neurofeedback?”. Department of Educational sciences, Vrije Universiteit
Brussel, Belgium. Eva Beyers.
“Passive and active training in bimanual coordination” Department of
Psychology, Philipps University Marburg, Germany. Group thesis.
Critical Reviewer for Master theses
Department of Biomedical Kinesiology, KU Leuven, Belgium
- “The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation intensity on
intracortical facilitation in young and older healthy subjects”. Joren
Meulemans. - “Does learned behavior change with practice or with rest?”. Mehrjerdi
Gota. - “Neurale en gedragscorrelaties van freezing of gait bij de ziekte van
Parkinson”. Alexandra Vanneste. - Dual task performance in Parkinson’s Disease: the influence of motor
and cognitive characteristics”. Sara Bellis. - "De invloed van fysieke activiteit op ‘brain-derived neurotrophic factor’”.
Eva Verfallie. - “Effecten van evenwichtstraining bij kinderen met een traumatisch
hersenletsel: een diffusie tensor beeldvormingsstudie”. Claire De Decker. - “Control of posture and gait in young traumatic brain injury patients”.
Sien Vantilt & Anne Vrinssen. - “Proactive and reactive inhibitory control in traumatic brain injury: a
diffusion tensor imaging study”. Salama Wahid Khan. - “Age-related differences in corpus callosum microstructural organization
in relation to bimanual coordination: A diffusion tensor imaging study”.
Sofie Vanheukelom.
Teaching courses
Department of Biomedical Kinesiology, KU Leuven, Belgium
- 2013 – 2014 Designing, organizing and teaching “Research seminars in motor control
and learning”. Critical reading, study design and statistical analysis of
neuroimaging and DTI data – theoretical concepts and hands-on training.
Creating and taking the exam to evaluate students. (10 times 2 hours).
- 2013 – 2014 Organizing and teaching part of “State of the art Research Topics in
Motor Learning and Motor Control: Part 1”; “Research techniques in
motor control and learning”. Creating and taking the exam to evaluate
students. (10 times 2 hours).
- 2012, 2013 Practical part of “Theoretical Introduction of Various Methods and
Designs in Motor Control – theoretical and methodological concepts and
hands-on training”. (2 times 2 hours).
- 2012 – 2014 Exam surveillance and correction of closed and open questions on neural
Department of Psychology, Philipps University Marburg, Germany
- Fall 2009/2010 Co-supervision of fMRI training course
(data analysis with SPM for master students). (~1 day).
- Fall 2008 & 2009 Seminar “Cognitive Psychology” (perception, action, memory and
learning) (2 hours).
Spring 2008 & 2009
Co-supervision of EEG (data-acquisition & statistical analysis) course
“Cognitive Neuroscience” (2 hours).
Department of Psychology, Leiden University, the Netherlands
- March 2007 EEG-acquisition demonstration for research staff of the social and
organisational psychology department. (2 hours).
- Spring 2006 Computer practicum “An introduction to Cognitive and Biological
Psychology” – brain anatomy (5 times 2 hours)
Science communication to the general public
- 2018 Healthy brain development, children with learning and/or emotional
difficulties and possible treatments. ACE international school Brussels,
- 2017 QEEG and neurofeedback demonstration & psychoeducation to patients.
Diest, Belgium.
- 2017 “Neurofeedback – een alternatief voor de behandeling van ADHD,
leerstoornissen en emotionele problemen”. Sprankel VZW Vlaams-Brabant
(association for children with learning difficulties). Kessel-Lo, Belgium.
- 2014 Invited speaker at I-Brain & Creativiteit: Een festival over de maakbaarheid
van ons brein. Info & programma: Leuven, Belgium.
- 2014 Developing a 3D printed brain with Materialise for the Vesalius exposition
1514-2014 in Leuven, Belgium.
- 2012 Information session for students (14-18 yrs) about a research career.
Orion College, Breda, the Netherlands.
- Neuromeditation Certification Level 1. Neuromeditation Institute,
Dr. Jeffrey Tarrant. Eugene Oregon, USA.
- Brainspotting in children, adolescents and their parents according
to method Dr. David Grand. Brainspotting Germany. Dr. Theresia
Stöckl-Drax. München, Germany.
- Training for teaching ERP, QEEG and Neurofeedback at IFEN
Institute Germany. Thomas Feiner, München, Germany. - Separate modules solution focused psychotherapy (relationship &
hypnotherapy) Korzybski. Antwerp & Bruges, Belgium.
- Brain stimulation (tDCS, tACS, pEMF)
Dr. Nicholas Dogris. München, Germany.
- QEEG and Neurofeedback
Prof. Dr. Robert Thatcher. Ghent, Belgium.
- Neurofeedback treatment in ADHD and autism
Dr. Werner van den Bergh (Centrum Vigilant). Lubbeek, Belgium.
- FSL course on MRI data analysis
University of Bristol, United Kingdom.
- Mapping the brain using fMRI decoding techniques Technical FENS
workshop. Barcelona, Spain
- Programming in Presentation for advanced users
Department of Psychology, Universität Marburg, Germany.
- Analysis of eye-movements with Python and behavioral data-
analysis with R
Summerschool University of Potsdam & Beijing Normal University.
Beijing, China
- Biologically-inspired computer vision
Department of Physics, Universn, Germany.
- Summerschool Computational Neuroscience Justus-Liebig University Gießen, Germany.
- Springschool functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) Justus-Liebig University Gießen, Germany.
- Psychophysical Methods & Matlab. Justus-Liebig University Gießen, Germany.